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Honest College Reviews: 13 Things To Know About Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune


Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune is one of the well known commerce colleges in Pune. With a background that can be traced back to 1959, the commerce wing of Modern Education Society was established as an independent college in 1969.Here we present to you 13 things you would better wanna know before you enroll yourself in this college!

This is to bring a kind note to all our readers that none of the points given below are intended towards hurting anyone’s sentiments whatsoever. The views expressed below are gathered from multiple sources from within the respective institute and are not made up by our team in any way. 

The God Forsaken Parking!

The first thing you notice once you enter the Wadia College campus is the different number of parking spaces (because of the number of colleges in the campus)! To get things clear, the parking space on the right side while entering from the main gate belongs to Ness! It is HUGE! But even then you would be considered lucky to find a space to park your bike in there. And plus when it rains it gets converted to a swimming pool for the bikes to chill, whether you like it or not! Students with cars, well, you can only imagine!

man carrying cycle in floods in pune

The Beggars Lane!

No, the college does not let beggars on the campus. The lane got its name from a tale which varies from year to year and student to student. Some say it was named Beggars lane when one of the faculty member caught a bunch of students playing music when they should have been in lectures, so to teach them a lesson, he went to them and gave the musicians some coins, thus naming the lane!

Beggars-Lane Ness Wadia College Pune

It is now one of the most happening places in the campus, as it follows the ground till the college building and is the number one destination for bird watching (if you know what I mean) other than the girls hostel, of course! Many romances have bloomed in this lane.

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Setting Mama!

Want to get to the Vice Principal to get a signature on your application and the queue is too long?

Don’t fear!
Setting Mama is here!

Whatever the work, just ask one of the peons in the college for a small favor and it will be done! If you’re a girl, it would be done for free! From getting your Admissions, or filling the Examination Forms, even getting an assignment checked, all kinds of services will be provided.

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Discover the Sportsman in you!

Given that there are around 5-6 colleges in the campus and just one ground, you are bound to get on the ground and try your hand at one sport or the other, even if you don’t want to!

Cricket being the favorite of the majority on the ground; football, hockey and badminton get their share as well. If that was not enough there is a dedicated Basketball court for guys to make a fool of themselves in front of the girls!

Even if it is going to be the last day of civilization on Earth, you will definitely find some maniacs playing on the ground!

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Indian Railways to the rescue!

Important lecture going on in the morning? But you were busy partying last night and slept a bit late and are feeling like killing yourself for not being able to keep your eyes open?

The Indian Railways are happy to help, with the constant reminders of their existence right next to the college building; you will surely not miss anything important.

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Bonus freebie: you will also get acquainted with the weekly time table of the trains!

Wanting to go to Iran and Afghanistan!

If there is one sect of students who are always happy with everything and always have a smile on their faces, it is the Irani and the Afghani crowd. They are among the most good looking people on the campus and are always ready to talk.

They love Bollywood and have probably watched more Hindi movies than you, makes you realize what a fun loving people they are. Maybe in one of those patriotic moods also makes you proud of India to watch foreign nationals come here for education.

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The Infinite number of seminars conducted in a year!

If you were not having enough fun already not attending classes, there are always those ‘COMPULSORY’ seminars that you have to attend and the numbers of these are way too high!

But, in the end it turns out you did not pay attention anyway and get to go home with an attendance on the sheet and free snacks!!


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If there is one word that will get a Ness Wadian crazy, it is this word!!

The crazy inter college fest organized generally in February, means 3 days ka dhinganaa! You are not a Ness Wadian if you have not begged for the Infinity tees from one of your volunteering friends and why? Coz it is cool, bruh!

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The canteen!

Much like the ground, there is only one Canteen for all the colleges in the campus, it is big, and it is old!

Waaaay too old!


I mean if one of the ex-students lost his memory, you show him the canteen and he will remember everything! But you forget about the ambiance of the place once the food arrives. I have had friends over from other colleges who came to meet me just because they wanted to have Chinese from the canteen.

Places to Hangout

Well, the college is situated at Bund Garden which is surrounded by places like- Camp, Koregaon Park, Dhole Patil Road and Boat Club Road. Need  I say more?

Whatever kind of place you want to hang out at, whatever kind of food you want to eat, say it and it is close by. Plus the College has three famous kattas to hangout just across the road – CafĂ© Eattos, CafĂ© Indiana Jones and Anna Vada Pav!

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You can grab something to eat while your assignments get printed! And in case you are not an outgoing person you could always rely on the huge library that Ness has though Nowrosjee has a bigger and a more a scenic one!

Curious case of the Men’s Washrooms

Wherever you go in the campus, not only in Ness, but wherever, in the whole campus, you will cross a lot of washrooms and you will know you have crossed a washroom and not because of the signs, but because of the STINK!

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And believe it or not one of these washrooms is right in front of the Canteen and the Boys Hostel! And you would wonder whether the case is the same with the girls’ washroom, which will surprise you even more coz girls do not have a washroom in Ness, they have a restroom!

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Yes, A RESTROOM! With comfy sofas and all this while the guys have to do their work fearing for their lives because of the suffocation!

The dreaded exams!!

Unlike other colleges, exams are possibly one of the most fun times in Ness, not only because of group studies and the rush to submit your assignments in time and all but also because you know how many people have actually taken admission in the college.

Ness, during exam time is like Laxmi Road during Ganpati Visarjan time! It is packed. And you see a lot of new faces in the college and when they sit in front of you, you realize they were in your class, and now everything depends upon this new being who you don’t even know by name, but still shamelessly, you do it because there is no other option, either this or failing the exams.

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So you set your ego aside and ask for answers and search for them after the exams because it turned out that the answer was wrong!

The Gangs of Wadiapur!

The college campus is like one small township in itself. But because of the different colleges in it, there are bound to be battles, not literal ones but there always has been a friendly competition amongst the colleges, be it in the Inter College competitions arranged in Ness or any other college in the campus. All the colleges have always wanted to be on the top!

Be it for Infinity or the events other colleges organize, the dance face offs in the Open Air Theatre of Ness is something else, and ever so often there is a cricket match wherein Ness and Nowrosjee have had a face off which draws a lot of attention. But, in the end we all are WADIANS!

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If you think there are points we missed out, do let us know in the comments below! 🙂


  1. Moushmee Pardesi

    Hey, I’m a Ness Wadian too and I TOTALLY relate to this! You missed the tadiwala crowd which always creates an unwanted chaos and gives away discomfortingly weird stares to the girls around.. The heights of this during infinity.. The DP Road (Shopper’s Stop for the hostellites) further turns into tadiwala road. And this crowd of goons comes from there.

  2. should I take admission in Ness Wadia or not?????

    • @shubham, naw do not take admission there, you’ll regret it, its kind of like being homeschooled but not so much, so it entirely messes up your years in college, ive been there mate
      Anyways if youre extra good at your stuides and could use the “Free” time you eventually get from college (No one goes to college, i literally attended 40 days in college in my 2 years and no one batted an eye and plus it wasnt even something new for them). So yeah this freedom seems quite comfortable now, wait till it plays you up

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