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8 Things That You Need To Know About Brexit | Upasana Goenka

Last two weeks the internet was exploding with the now-famous hashtag- #Brexit. Lots of trolls and jokes started making rounds about this event but much to the amusement of the internet mongers. At least around 70% of the internet folks had no friggin’ idea as to what was this furore about?? So to ease out a things just a lil bit here are 8 things that you need to know about Brexit.


What is Brexit?

Brexit is a short form that merges the words Britain and Exit, to get Brexit. UK held a European referendum – a vote in which everyone of voting age can take part to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union.

What is European Union?

European Union is a monetary and political organization that includes 28 European nations. It was framed after World War Two to advance financial co-operation, with the possibility that nations which exchange together will probably abstain from going to war with each other. EU has subsequently developed and turned into a “single market” and permits products and individuals to move around, fundamentally as though the part states were one nation. Nineteen of the individuals States use “Euro” as its currency.

The Voting.

The submission turnout for EU choice was 71.8% with more than 30 million individuals voting. Britain voted emphatically for Brexit, Leave won by 52% to 48%.


No country State has ever left the EU. But once, Greenland, one of Denmark’s abroad regions, held a choice in 1982, in the wake of picking up a more prominent level of self government, and voted by 52% to 48% to leave, which it appropriately did after a time of arrangement.

Why Leave?

The ones that needed the UK to leave the EU were the UK Independence Party, which won the last European races, and got almost four million votes – 13% of those cast in May’s decision, crusaded for Britain’s way out from the EU. About portion of Conservative MPs, including five bureau serves, a few Labor MPs and the DUP were likewise for clearing out. They said Britain was being kept down by the EU, which they said forced an excessive number of standards on business and charged billions of pounds a year in participation expenses for little consequently. They additionally needed Britain to take back full control of its outskirts and reduce the quantity of individuals coming here to live and/or work.

Why Stay?

Be that as it may, Prime Minister David Cameron needed Britain to stay in the EU. He looked for an agreement with the other European Union pioneers to change the terms of Britain’s participation. He trusted that the participation makes offering things to other EU nations simpler and contended that outsiders make a decent work power for England. Be that as it may, the critics said the agreement would have little effect.

What Next?

Now for the UK to leave the EU has to invoke an agreement called Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Cameron has said he will be stepping down as PM by October. According to Clive Coleman, a BBC legal correspondent, “Article 50 has only been in force since late 2009 and it hasn’t been tested yet, so no-one really knows how the Brexit process will work.” EU law still stands in the UK until it ceases being a member – and that process could take some time. The UK will continue to abide by EU treaties and laws, but not take part in any decision-making, as it negotiates a withdrawal agreement and the term of its relationship with the now 27 nation bloc.

The Aftermath.

In the short run, uncertainty about Britain’s future relationship with the EU, its largest trading partner, could push the UK into a recession. The pound has already started losing its value since 23rd June. With Cameron’s resignation, Britain’s prospect of negotiating a favorable deal with the EU could be weakened. The UK government has evaluated that leaving the EU could bring about the British economy to be somewhere around 3.8 and 7.5 percent by 2030 relying upon how well arrangements for access to the European market eventually goes.

A national of one EU nation has a liberated right to live and work anyplace in the EU and both Britons and foreigners have exploited this open door, however since the Brexit it could be an alternate scenario. There are numerous instances of prejudice event crosswise over England because of Brexit in light of the fact that Briton’s vibe that the choice was made to keep away from settlements into England.

Meanwhile, check out this amazing (read funny) explanation of Brexit:

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