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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes the #IceBucketChallenge & Nominates Bill Gates

Why is my feed filled with people pouring bucket of ice water over their head?

It started a few weeks ago when people started uploading videos of them getting doused in buckets of ice water to spread ALS awareness around the globe.

Here is How Ice Bucket Challenge & #StrikeOutALS Works -

Step 1

You upload a video of yourself getting doused in ice water and nominate / challenge someone else to do the same and continue the chain.

Step 2

If the ones who are nominated/challenged refuse to do so, they are asked to make a donation to the ALS charity for the research efforts.

Step 3

The ones who dump ice water on themselves are not asked to donate any amount, but however, they may still choose to.

The Ice Bucket Challenge has raised $2.3 million since July 29th, this money will be used to find a cure for ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). ALS is a disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement, the progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to death.

A few hours ago Mark Zuckerberg uploaded his video of bathing in ice water after being challenged by the Governor Chris Christie. Mark completed the challenge in good faith and now has challenged Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg and Reed Hastings to do the same.


Not so long back President Obama was too nominated for the ice bucket challenge by Ethel Kennedy. Will we see Bill Gates soaked in ice water, only time will tell. Meanwhile keep checking your feeds for #IcebucketChallenge & #StrikeOutALS.

â–º Bill Gates Accepts the Ice Bucket Challenge by Mark Zuckerberg

â–º Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella nominates Jeff Vessels & Larry Page for #IceBucketChallenge

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