Home >> Colleges in Pune >> COEP Pune >> Sky Lantern Festival Marks The Beginning Of Zest 2016 In College Of Engineering, Pune

Sky Lantern Festival Marks The Beginning Of Zest 2016 In College Of Engineering, Pune

For the first time in the history of COEP the sky lantern festival was organised on its own ground on the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti to mark the beginning of Zest’ 16. Makar Sankranti signifies turning away from the darkness of delusion in which we live, and begin to enjoy a new life with bright light within us to shine brighter and brighter. So is the theme of ZEST which is “AGNIPANKH” which signifies one’s struggle and desire to achieve their goal .


The event was inaugurated by faculty members of the college. Around 300 lantern were counted shinning in the black sky as they flew up. All the money collected in this event will go to PARAPLEGIC REHABILITATION CENTRE, KIRKEE, Pune charity.

zest coep 2016 puneZest’ 16 has a total of 88 events which will be held from 23rd to 26th of January. The theme of this 14th edition is ‘Agnipankh’ which signifies struggle and desire of an individual to achieve the ‘Highest Goal’ in life.

Overall the festival was enlighten by students with some beautiful lamps and the touch of good music.

Earlier in the day, students from College of Engineering, Pune (COEP) enjoyed the kite flying event which was held on College Ground for the promotion of ZEST– COEP’s Annual National Level Inter-Engineering Sports event.

coep kite festival zest 2016

To spread the theme of Zest, around 1000 students participated in Kite Flying event. The entire sky above the COEP’s college ground was occupied with kites. Students tried their best to compete one another to ensure their kites are at the top.

In order to spread the spirit of “AGNIPANKH” and to honour the achievement of such beings, ZEST ’16 has organized a Wheelchair Basketball Match in association with Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre (PRC), Kirkee during the Inauguration ceremony of ZEST’ 16 on 23rd January 2016.

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