Home >> Colleges in Pune >> DATRIMATRIX: Biggest Annual Management Fest of COE NMIMS, Mumbai | 24th and 25th January

DATRIMATRIX: Biggest Annual Management Fest of COE NMIMS, Mumbai | 24th and 25th January

Setting the benchmark to ascend, take a ride through all the intriguing events, and use them to hone your business acumen and focus your data-driven thinking, DATRIMATRIX, in its second year, has been successful in hosting events that the students not only enjoy but also benefit greatly from. DATRIMATRIX is the biggest management fest of COE NMIMS, Mumbai.

Datrimatrix NMIMS banner

DATA representing the raw material for all Analysis +ATRIUM represents the place of gathering + MATRIX represents the Analytics

It gives us a great honor to celebrate the second year of the biggest annual management fest of COE NMIMS – “DATRIMATRIX“. The fest is carefully designed to meet the values of its tagline – “Analytical Minds meet Unparalleled Management Skills” which motivates the 9 clubs and committees of COE to organize and derive a knowledge spectrum from the young minds.


This year, DATRIMATRIX is going to spread across a span of two days, 24 and 25 January, challenging the brains of students across INDIA to use their innovative and creative ideas and solve the problems brought in front of them using Unstop platform to conduct all the events

Meet our Navratna Team

  • Analyticul: Cultural Committee
    With their vision to encourage and enhance the students’ talents and provide them with a stage for exposure, the Cultural Committee aims to put its best foot forward in all that they do and keep the banner of COE NMIMS flying high. DATRIMATRIX is the event organized by the Cultural team of COE, bringing the 8 clubs together on one platform to conduct events for analytical minds.
  • Alfaaz: Literary and Music Club
    With their vision to develop interactions among students with similar interests and hobbies, the club is organizing Ad-Parody 2.0: Ad Making competition. It revolves around 2 rounds, challenging participants to come up with clever ads or jingles of products or services of their choice after getting shortlisted in the first round of the quiz.

  • Businace: Entrepreneurship Club
    With their vision to create awareness about entrepreneurship and provide necessary skill development and mentoring for the same, Business has come up with BYOB: Be your own Boss, which revolves around 3 rounds of Case presentations challenging innovative brains to create an ecosystem for entrepreneurship. Students shortlisted for the first round of quizzes will be required to solve the case by applying their practical minds.
  • Drishti: Marketing Club
    With their vision to light the innovative and creative marketing ideas of students through industry interactions, on-campus activities, and management games, Venalicium will include a quiz round where participants’ knowledge of marketing, branding, and advertising will be assessed based on their analytical prowess. Additionally, the chosen participants will be required to create posters and advertisements. Those that exhibit the most creativity advance to the case study round
  • Playbot: Machine Learning Club
    With their vision to serve as a place for discussing, gaining knowledge, and working on topics related to Machine Learning, the club is organizing MLzilla having 3 rounds of an event that will put participants’ understanding of machine learning to the test. A machine learning-based case study with a solution that must be presented to the distinguished judging panel will be given to participants who pass the quiz round.

Mlzilla NMIMS banner

  • Dive in data: Data Visualization Club
    With their vision to provide a platform for creative and analytical students to showcase their visualization skills, the club is organizing Datafused, a test evaluating participants’ knowledge of data and the significant conclusions they can draw from it. There will be 3 rounds: A quiz round, a Dashboard creation round, and Final Analysis Round to present their analytical solutions through creativity and authenticity.
  • Consulting Edge: Consulting Club
    With their vision to be the go-to solution provider for industries to help them with their functional, business, and corporate strategy needs, the club is organizing Consultrix: A case study competition that revolves around 3 rounds including a quiz, case study, and live presentation, challenging the young minds with their consulting, communication and career drove skills on board.
  • Sports Cardinals: Sports Committee
    With their vision to create zeal among the students towards sports and physical education, the club is organizing two events this year:
  1. Turf Cricket Bash: A thrilling tournament that will feature turf-based knockout cricket matches. A match consists of 8–10 overs for each team. Semi-finals and finals will be held on day 2 of the
  2. NMIMS 11 – 2.0: An IPL Auction event for the students, challenging their clever brains towards taking spontaneous decisions which will make them win the auction to get the best players in their virtual team cricket
  •  Finlytics: Finance Club
    With their vision to bring future financial analysts on board, the club is organizing two events this year:
  1. Tradomania: An exciting activity that requires registered participants to trade stocks giving two days to the participants to trade stocks on a website called stock grow. Since it is a virtual event, participation in person is not necessary for
  2. Think Tank: A quiz on topics including marketing, financial, and other analytical issues will be used to test participants’ analytical-driven decision-making over the course of the event’s three rounds. On the event’s last day, the chosen participants will present the solutions to a case


Come join us on the 24th and 25th of January for an experience beyond the ordinary. Save the dates and feel free to reach out to the following for more updates:

Analyticul: Cultural Committee of COE, NMIMS Mumbai

Contact details:
Avneendra Maheshwari: 7036141100
Diksha Gupta: 838376189
Email id: [email protected]

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