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8 Things That Engineering Students Can Learn From Game Of Thrones

Things to learn from Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Season 6 has come to a shocking end and now the fans have to wait until next year for the Season 7 to roll out. But we are unable to wait and we just couldn’t get the enough of Game of Thrones so here’s an article that we stumbled upon. We are pretty sure that our engineering audience can be able to relate to this very well.

Jon Snow

It doesn’t matter whether you are from reputed university or not if you have the skill & determination you will fulfil your dream. Your background won’t be a hindrance to your goal.

[gfycat data_id=”KindlyAgileAzurewingedmagpie” data_title=”false” data_autoplay=”true” data_controls=”false” data_expand=”true”]

Robb Stark

You topped first two semesters doesn’t mean you will be a topper for the rest of your life.

[gfycat data_id=”PointlessDigitalApatosaur” data_title=”false” data_autoplay=”true” data_controls=”false” data_expand=”true”]

Arya Stark

Girls are not meant only for CS/IT. They can be in one of the most grueling stream too like fire fighting Engineering.

[gfycat data_id=”ThatIllfatedCats” data_title=”false” data_autoplay=”true” data_controls=”false” data_expand=”true”]

Ned Stark

On a lighter note- Only honesty will not serve you any good in exam.

[gfycat data_id=”NaiveWellgroomedGermanshepherd” data_title=”false” data_autoplay=”true” data_controls=”false” data_expand=”true”]

Daenerys Targaryen

If you are from MIT or Oxford people will treat you as superior to others. Even if you don’t have much quality/skill like others.

[gfycat data_id=”GargantuanCooperativeCockroach” data_title=”false” data_autoplay=”true” data_controls=”false” data_expand=”true”]

(Come on! She has dragons. What else do you need ?)

Jon Snow

A students who attends all the lectures doesn’t mean that he knows everything!


Tyrion Lannister

A student drinks a lot, smokes a lot, get along with other genders a lot doesn’t mean he/she is a bad student.

[gfycat data_id=”FlawlessClutteredAdmiralbutterfly” data_title=”false” data_autoplay=”true” data_controls=”false” data_expand=”true”]

George R.R. Martin

And the last but not the least. We all (not only engineers) have to play our part in this world. Rest is in “His (Examiner/Internal/External)” hands.

GRRM Cartoon

Source: Quora

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Valar Morghulis!

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