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Failing Exams – Is not the last thing in World

Following are few personalities who have succeeded in spite of less education

  • Sachin Tendulkar – Studied till 10th, but he is legend, he is GOD of Cricket. His mannerism is best. We have never seen him angry or retorting on field.
  • Steve Jobs – left College, half away. But established one of the most successful company.
  • Harbhajan Singh – Higher Secondary, most successful personality on & off the field.

There will be a big list if we try to compile. Why are they successful?

When exam times approaches (around February – March) every year, we come across news about some suicide by students. This hurts each one of us a lot. Many students commit suicide, I will say take wrong decision, at the formative stage of their lives. The main reason is they are unable to handle pressure, conflict, challenges.

Every day, the surrounding of ours is becoming competitive. The stress level of each one increases, and the need to survive becomes more stressful.

We should not pressurize students, but should identify their expertise and encourage them to do more in their area of liking. We should try make each one of them to understand their passion.

Education is not all. There are so many aspects in life, where in we can choose our career and be successful.

Following are few suggestions to strengthen the minds of students, young ones:

  1. Empathy – Identify the inner need of young one. What he really likes and arrange for same.
  2. Fear – If a fear is identified in students ; the same needs to be eradicated from their mind, by proper discussion, counselling and make them feel positive about theirlife.
  3. Avoid too many competitive exams – This actually builds lot of pressure. Select one or two exams and prepare. Select only the best of the CIA review courses. Doing so will will surely help to crack the exams.
  4. Be Positive – This is the best way to ensure that negative feelings do not appear in one’s mind.

Every aspect has both positive & negative sides. Ensure to highlight positive side, and its effect for long term.

  1. Talk, speak with children – Ensure that we speak with our children on various subjects. This helps them to think differently. This also avoids stress build up.
  2. Ask children to do exercise, yoga, pranayama. These techniques actually build discipline in a person. Pranayama & Yoga improves their self-awareness. It also improves their health, spiritually & physically.
  3. Encourage Team work – Involve our children in various team work, in school, college & society. This actually opens a person and makes them competitive and build strength to accept failure. It also helps to identify the strength of individual, which becomes his forte to succeed.

Finally I would like to mention that home is their first school and parents need to ensure the upcoming of their child. Never make them feel guilty. Think differently and correct the thoughts of children. We should imbibe that failure is the first step to success.

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