Home >> Colleges in Pune >> Cummins College of Engineering Is Ready To Host Their First TEDx Event on 18th April !

Cummins College of Engineering Is Ready To Host Their First TEDx Event on 18th April !

 TEDxCCOEW 2021- The first-ever TEDx Event hosted by the reputed MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women. The event which is scheduled for 18th April is going to be a virtual event keeping in mind the safety concerns that the pandemic entails.

TEDxCCOEW’s theme this year is ‘Strings’ seeks to explore and bind the ideas of the speakers with the perspectives of the audience. Here are the major highlights of this upcoming event showing how TEDxCCOEW– Strings is an event you should not miss!

Speakers of the event:

TEDxCCOEW Speakers


The human consciousness both observes as well as participates in causality- the principle that every cause has an effect.

Dr. Athalye, a renowned theoretical physicist, will address how the ‘dually functional’, self

-aware human conscious, can be explained using existing or yet to be discovered branches of Physics, and introduce the idea: “The participating observer”.

  • Renelle Snelleskz : (DANCE MOVEMENT THERAPIST)

Renelle Snelleksz, a dance movement therapist introduces us to expressing ourselves through dance to connect our mind and body.

She will talk about how therapeutic use of movement and dance help to support the intellectual, emotional, and motor functions of the body and help people in understanding their emotional wounds. From her experiences of working with sex trafficking survivors, she will also share with us the benefits of dance movement therapy.


The miracle of life ensures that the world is ours for the taking. How much thought do we give to giving back to the environment, to society, and to the world?

As one of Maharashtra’s most profound and influential speakers, Mr. Mahajan, will be talking about gratitude, empathy, and how each of us can give back to society for all that we take for granted. We’re rich in every way that matters, let’s be human too!

  • Sameer Belvalkar ( FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER )

A well-clicked photograph is worth more than a thousand words. It has the power to capture moments of one’s life.

Sameer Belvalkar introduces to us the art of ‘seeing’ and the various challenges photographers and models experience while giving their best shot. He will also talk about the connections between psychology and photography .


We now live in an unprecedented time- a time when thorough scientific evidence and statistical data cease to inspire people, art will!

Our speaker tells us how art is not mere decoration but is also, an instigator. Arts may indeed be transformative and could make a vital difference to transcending our boundaries and overcoming even our largest challenges.


Just when India is at the threshold of a clean mobility revolution, it’s important that we play an active role in it.

Rajib Gangopadhyay will be talking to us about how to play our part in building an Electric Vehicle Ecosystem in India, its components, and how we can adopt this technology to make sure we leave the world a better place for the generations after us.

Goodies at TEDxCCOEW
Official TEDx goodies will be shipped to all registered attendees. An exciting range of goodies awaits you!

Performers at TEDxCCOEW:

  • Rashmi Papulwar (Computer Engineering student, CCOEW):
    Being experienced in working with acrylics, watercolours and even gouache, Rashmi Papulwar’s work is an exploration of various detailed and delicate lines drawn layer by layer until they appeal to the audience.

In her performance in TEDxCCOEW, she is going to portray the theme-Strings,giving the audience a different perspective through her painting – bright, fresh colour and form.

  • Priyadarshini Deshmukh (Michelin, India. Alumni, CCOEW):
    A trained classical singer, a western vocalist, and a guitar enthusiast, Priyadarshini Deshmukh is passionate about everything related to music and finds ways to nurture the artist in her.

Priyadarshini will join us as a performer and portray ‘Strings’ in her music.

With this complete package from astounding speakers to incredibly talented performers, TEDxCCOEW is bound to be an experience you’ll never forget. Hurry and register now!

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