Vishwapreneur ’19 is known as the most awaited E-Summit of Pune and is organized by The Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology. The team comprises of Engineering students which have the undying ambition to strive in the world of entrepreneurship. The budding engineers of this team have planned for the event to begin at the 7th of February, 2019, with an Open-Floor session and Smart Sociothon competition followed by a 2-day Convention which ends on the 9th of February, 2019. The theme of this event is ’Idea Factory’ this blends in perfectly with the spirit of entrepreneurship and helps inculcate ideas in the minds of the attendees.
What is the uniqueness of this E-Summit?
This event isn’t an ordinary E-Summit where one guest speaker arrives to talk for an hour. This E-Summit has a competition which helps the city to become smarter and also the 2-day convention comprises of panel discussions, keynote sessions and dedicated Q&A session which ensures that the audience have no doubt left in mind. This event also helps create a network between the guests and the attendees which gives them a bigger advantage over attending other E-Summits. Vishwapreneur brings the interaction into a regular talk/seminar.
Smart Sociothon
The Smart Sociothon is a hackathon wherein the Cell has partnered with Pune Smart City and Pune Idea Factory Foundation. The participants of this competition present their model as a solution to the problems that a city is facing. This, in turn, helps the city by having a problem’s solution to work on and to make the city a better place to live. Also, the participants get first-hand experience of working with the government bodies and also get to learn a lot from the different ideas that come up in the competition.
The two-day convention consists of 2 panel discussion and 6 keynotes. The convention is the key highlight of the annual event! The guests for the first panel are renowned YouTubers and they are going to talk about the new trend in society, that is, YouTube. The second panel consists of Social Entrepreneurs who will talk about social entrepreneurship. The keynotes comprise of different high-profile speakers and entrepreneurs from various fields who have gone through a lot of hard work to make themselves the success stories of India.
Open Floor
The Open-Floor session has a limited number of attendees where the participants are mostly self-made businessmen or entrepreneurs who seek mentorship from those who know their way around the unpredictable tides of the business world. This session is organised for utmost interaction between the attendees and the speakers. The barrier, that is, the strength of the attendees in the convention, which limits the time for clearing each major doubt, is removed in the open-floor session by not having any speeches and the attendees only come to talk and seek mentorship form the speakers.
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