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Those 5 Moments When You Had To Walk the ‘Walk of Shame’

I’ve been thinking about stuff. You know, how you go to poop and you get all the epiphanies at once. Lately my head, just like every other person, is full of these random, mind-boggling thoughts. One such thought that’s been struck in my head is the ‘walk of shame’. Lets get real for a moment and admit it; we’ve all been there. Be it for drinking badly, or drinking at all. I’d like to single out all the times we’ve had to walk the ‘walk’. Let’s start with different types of the ‘walk’.

The Classic Walk. (The one with the morning after...)

This is the most enigmatic one. Getting laid isn’t always great. You have no idea whether to be blissful or be appalled about last night. On one hand you really enjoyed yourself, but that feeling when you walk by your parents, friends, roommates you just can’t help but feel a little… how do I put it, embarrassed, secretive and beguiled; all at the same time. It’s even worse when you’re sneaking past them and get caught.

*Oh great Earth, swallow me now*

And if you have nosy friends/parents, well then it’s time to go jump off the ledge.

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The Old Fashioned One. (The one where you get caught...)

Many of my friends either live in PG’s, flats, or hostels. Nobody and I mean NOBODY knows the pain of going home after getting drunk. These so-called friends make you drink, ‘one more’ they say but these aint the ones who have to go home to a mother that’s worried sick and a father who’s angry as fuck. And then you try to sneak past, very poorly I might add, which almost always ends up in a disaster. You stumble into stuff or one of your parents. And the ‘walk’ begins.

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The Guilty One. (The one where you really messed up...)

This is a tricky one. It’s when you ‘do’ stuff that was really uncalled for but still necessary, like break-up with a super nice girl because you were too much of an asshole. Or sleeping/dating  with your best friend’s other half. You just cannot walk away from that kinda shit. Every time you see them your head goes so low you just want to crawl under a rock and die.

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THE Walk of Shame. (The one with your best friend...)

This is one of the walks that isn’t so bad. You have your partner in crime with you, till the end. Doesn’t really matter WHAT you did. Be it stealing from a grocery store to killing your ex, it doesn’t really matter. From playmates in sandbox to bunk mates in prison, FTW. The walk, even though disconcerting and humiliating, feels a little ‘less’ with your confidante alongside you.

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The Worst One. (The one where you did not...)

This walk is an aberration. This is when you go to internet to browse through really cool articles, inspiring stories and stuff that interests you on Campus Times Pune and you still don’t hit the Like button, don’t follow us on Twitter. You Don’t even subscribe to the really cool video feeds. How can you show your face in public ever again?

This will be the toughest walk in your life. So if you want to save yourself some regret, make it right. Don’t let your visit to CTP be a waste. Follow us and we will lead you.

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