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7 Things to Know About Indian Law Society (ILS College Pune) | Kunal Sarpal

Hello fellow retards,

It is said; one should only speak from experience or should not. I have always adhered to it and it has served me exceptionally well. For two main reasons,

  1. Speaking from experience brings in authenticity. This is revealed from the depth of your points and conviction that your words, both written and verbal exhibit.
  2. Experience brings in passion. When you express something that has come to you say through grapevine or through a source. It is borrowed knowledge, 2nd And like all second hand things, it is not of much value (sorry OLX folks!) A good communicator needs to get people moving, and not just communicate knowledge or ideas. Passion supersedes everything if you really wish to be a rare legendary communication evangelist.

Image Source – arjun_sharma on Flickr

Cutting to the chase and parking myself in ILS, what does the institution have to offer?

Why does it enjoy such a first-class brand image?

Why are students desperate to get in ILS College Pune?

In short, why ILS?

Well, here’s why…

In my short stint at ILS College, two and a half years now, I have come across some unique practices and behaviors very peculiar to this college. (The habit of observation although is a irritating habit to nurture, becomes a beautiful boon at times, this is one such)

Formidable Faculty line-up!

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Without naming them (to avoid indirectly shaming the unnamed) there are a few faculties who are God-sent. We read the books written by them and they teach from the material written by them again! Such is the command some faculties hold. No wonder, an Author is a short for Authority! The faculties are more of quasi-mentors, who believe in an open door policy to their chambers, some being career counselors to many.

Exceptional Extracurricular round the clock and round the year!

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If there is one quote that signifies our notice board, it would be ‘Change is the only constant’. Our dear notice board has never seen a dull day. At any point in the college, we would be having something or the other going on. Thus, catering to the wide array of student and especially, the faculty interest. It’s phenomenal how students turn themselves into brilliant event managers and organize orientations + counseling sessions + competitions + seminars + various other clubs and cells the college and the student symbiotically run!

Campus caress and cajoling!

Courtesy – matebhushan on Flickr

The college campus is nothing short of a hill station and while writing this piece sitting amidst the lush green environment around. One really feels lucky to have such a campus at times where schools struggle to find simple playing or recreational space. It is atypical of seniors and alumni who are in Pune to keep re-visiting college for this very beautiful reason. (Although one might cut off citing nostalgia as the key proponent)

Libido boosting library (reference has been made to books only)

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Now, this is the foremost benefit of joining ILS. A treasure trove of marvels sits in this beautiful, recently renewed and overhauled library. No wonder, it is always swarming with students. Rare autobiographies and the case records (AIRs) maintained are superb. Many do refer to the online databases, but hardcore mooters (mooting is a practical exercise conducted for college students so that they learn the art of advocacy and is the best part of any law college) know the pleasure derived from hard bound texts. The photocopying mama also knows and emphasizes with the students on this.

Hyperactive and over argumentative students (said as a compliment)

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To do justice to the multiplicity of events that take place in the college, the students are equally enthusiastic and you will rarely find a student without something to do. Being busy is a perennial status of students at ILS. Although, it is not activity but impact that counts, but here, the students believe in impact through productive activity.

Alumni factor (writing without referring the prospectus or the college website)


A superb 7 star spread is available here. Ranging from Justices to Ministers to leading counsels to leading Industrialists to legendary professors. ILS has never been short of star alumni. Frankly, it is these alumni that give an institution such premier status, and not governmental and other recognition. To be a part of this legend is humbling and inspiring at the same time.

Eat, breathe and drink law (take it with a grain/bucket/truck-load of salt)

ILS-Canteen Image

Law is a creature that is a pet of most of the students and faculty alike. Don’t be surprised when you hear random rants about case names and sections. Either some students are preparing for a competition or there are exams round the corner (substitute ranting with cramming here!) and talking as if they are on speaker phone mode is routine and often if seen otherwise is looked down upon. Jokes and quotes especially on hoodies revolve around law and all things lawgical.

ILS as an institution has a legend, to maintain and to grow it is in our hands. Let’s act instead of opining. As revealing problems without solutions to those is serious auntygiri.

Endorsing what Chanakya said, speak only if the information which you wish to convey is,

  1. Good
  2. True


  1. Will benefit the recipient,

I have always followed this triple filter and I wish you too give it a thought. It will substantially make a lot of your communication simple and productive.


Wise Retard,


Say hi on [email protected] (and give me 12 hours to revert!)

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